In the UK, children have their care and education experiences provided predominantly by a female workforce.
Nationwide only 2% of the Early Years workforce are male. Within Education, 14% of Primary school staff are male with 25% of Primary Schools having no males working in them. Here in York there are estimated to be around only 30 Males in the Early Years workforce.
Research shows that there are huge benefits from having men in Childcare, such as providing male role models, eradicating gender stereotypes and helping fathers to engage with their children.
Male Early Years Practitioners are therefore vital in making sure young children have quality contact time with men.
We are working to change perceptions and attitudes towards men in childcare. Research suggests that over half of nursery workers 51% believe men are discouraged from pursuing a career working in childcare because of ‘society’s attitude’, whilst 60% feel men are not encouraged to join the profession by others, or are not comfortable working in a predominantly female environment 37.5%.
At Men into Childcare York, and with your support we can make a difference together.

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